Monday, September 14, 2009

huh?! *blurr?!* is not a bad day, though it's still boring as usual,huhu...okay, this morning i sent a good luck message to mary, my best ever bestfriend, hahhahha...gud lak for her job,heheh...but she sent me ohh tidak erley,huhu...i was surprise, i wonder what happened, but i hope it's not bad,huhu...i hope she's okay XD

then, when i was waiting at the front of the shop, i saw ong...hahaha...sorry this blog contain a lot of ong, uncle jeffry, zam, shimah and MARY <3 ,hehhehe...what to do, half of my day is filled with them...hahhaaha...but i really wish mary is here too...miss all the fun stuffs we used to do together XD

okay, back to ong...he looked like he's in the good mood,hahahha...he came to me and ask me :"how?"...huh?! i was so blurr...i ask what how?hmmm...he left already....hahahha...then uncle jeffry came...he asked me:" do you sleep well last night?" huh?!...i'm so blurr now...but i said ya ya...hahhaha...hmm...i'm not used to being ask in the morning,hahaha...

today nothing really happened. we don't have a lot of customer...oya, today ong teach me a few things about the file, cause he wanted me to follow-up the file's stock...oh no, i'm so blurr...what is this follow-up thingy?huhu...well, zam will be doing the arts and books, whilst ong will do the it-tech and pens...aahh..whatever lah, tia best ja mo buat benda ni tau,huhu =( so he showed me the different types of files and other things as well...but i found funny is that he always have a bit of complains about uncle jeffry, i mean not in a bad way, but like for example uncle jeffry likes to put new items in wherever space available regardless of the types of the item,lol XD

okay, then finish already...stock i need to check the delivery... it was a story book. i don't want to say novel, because from the title it was quite childish,hahahah XD whatever lah...oh no...i'm hungry la pla time malam2 cam ni,huhu...oh, cepat2 kasi habis crita, =(

ah, pa lagi ahh..oya, sy check tu stock swan stabilo,huuhu...fening mo juling mata sy tgok tu pen2 yg berpelbagaian sekalian,yay XD check py check...tiba2 uncle jeffry ckp: "why you two so quite?" huh?!(again)hahhahaha...mesti la diam, camna mo buat bising klu sy sibuk mengira pen, c ong pla sibuk menyusun barang nun di hujung sana...hahhahaha...merepek ba c uncle ni, sapa suruh tia pasang radio, patut dorg pasang radio ba ni spy tia sunyi, wlpun sbenarnya sy tia suka org bising time sy menigra,hahahahha XD

okay, okay...part yg paling lucu hari ni ialah, jeng jeng jeng...ada ba ni customer mo fotostat...pastu ada gambar harimau...dia mo kasi besar gambar tu kali pada pemahaman sy tia tau buat, jadi sy panggil c ong...pastu c ong yg buat...hahaha...dia bilang dia paling tia suka fotostat,hahhaha...lantak ko la ong XD
pastu dia buat py buat, dia kasi tunjuk...ropa2nya, tu orang mo buat kasi jadi dua ekor harimau tu dlm i keping kertas,haaissh...hahahha XD...lucu ba c ong tu ckp: "ooh, ni shi yao liang zhi lao hu" trus kami tiga2 ketawa...aduii mo pecah perut, sy rasa mo berguling2 ja di lantai ketawa,hahahhahaha XDD sbb sy teringat tu lagu harimau...pastu sy ingat time bloopers hana-kimi versi taiwan tu c ella kasi ketawa versi lagu negara c wu chun: san zhi lao hu, san zhi lao hu, bao de kuai, bao de kuai...yi ke mei you yan jing, yi ke mei you cui ba, zhen qi kuai, zhen qi, na di san zhi qi le na li ne?hahahhaha..." ba, mana uda tu pak belang ketiga, dulu sy pun ingat 3 ekor ba tu,hahahahah XD ROFL ROFL *guling2*

aduiii...melampau uda laparrrrr sy ni, mo p cari dlu benda2 yg ble dimakan,hahahha...tadaaaa...

to be continued...

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