Tuesday, September 8, 2009

dinner break

hahaha...i spent 45min of my dinner break to cc surf city, my favorite cc ever XD

hmmm...what happen ah today? not much...today is as boring as yesterday, but uncle jeffry off day, so we're only left with ong, shimah and me. uuuarrg...i feel so sleepy =,=

aiyayayayah...i'm supposedly off tomorrow, but since shimah is not working, uncle jeffry also for some (identified) reason cannot come( not really sure, but i interpret it as not coming)...so ong is the only one left...huhu...so uncle ask me to work tomorrow, and off on thursday,huhu... so now i still have to wait one more day, so sad =(
honestly, i think ong can manage the shop alone very well, hahhahaha...this morning he carried all the heavy things just by himself (i really didn't help much, i only watch people and photocopy only)...anyway....i still have to work lah...huhuh...

aah~ got to go, finish already my break lar,huhu...so, c ya next time :p

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