Wednesday, September 9, 2009

09/09/09's wednesday!
according to my fb games(forgot what application), my luck for today is only 16%...whatever lah.. i thought would be the most boring day, cause only me and ong working...since i'm not the talkative type of person, there will be a very quite day, lol XD

the result: kinda, lol XD

but at least there's a little conversation, better than none at all, hahah... okay, but the question including why i want to stay in penang, rather than going back to sabah...then, how long will i stay...i really didn't expect that question, so i'm not prepared...i end up saying i'm lazy to go back, but actually i should say that i want to stay here till i'm bored, and going back sabah for good, never to come back here again =)i'm actually feel quite phobia with this question, the very same question ask by along aka sabariah...but of course on different point of view, last time because she likes me, wanting me to stay longer...but this time, maybe the guy were just curious, ohohohooh XD

he does have a very high curiousity, especially on what things usm student do,hahaha...he even ask me why did the usm student buy the sponge paper, what the use of it...i also don't know la, i just said it's for decoration, lol XD
another thing he ask me, why his housemate, a chinese guy from sabah, speak malay with his family, he overheard a girl voice he said....he was so leh a malay girl can come into the house, lol funny...normal ba tu sy rasa ckp bm, terkezut pla dia,ohohhoooh...

okay,, today i learn to be cashier...just one week but have to learn this because not enough staff,huhu...well, i tried it, and i think it's easier than when i was in baskin robbins,hahaha...unfortunately, i have a habit of keeping the notes on the cashier desk( i got it from baskin robbins XD )...but here i'm not supposed to do that, so i always need to keep that in far so good...but one thing i still have problem, i'm too lazy to speak voice is so small...c ong yg dekat pun tia dgr, ini kan pla customer,huhu...teringat sy sma c din, liyana n kak naja...brabis ni dorg suruh sy ckp kuat2 dlu,huhu...nsib baik la sy blajar ni dgn c ong hari ni, klu dgn uncle jeffry, mgkin sy kena marah uda ni,huhu...takutnya...mesti mo ckp kuat2 mulai skrang,hehehhe...buli2 sy tersilap ckp melayu dgn org putih pla, lawak btul...nsib baik org putih tu memahami situsi sy, ceh,hehehhe XD

what else ahh..hmmm...nothing lagi la,hehe...thursday i'm off, that's all i care now XOXO...gud nite, sweet dream for myself, kah kah kah XD <3

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