Monday, October 26, 2009

omg! did i like this job?

okay, i don't know exactly what i like. i don't have any interest or hobby...well, i really really like to sing and making songs, but i don't think i will ever success in this field. it's so frustrating, and like Tey says, there's a lot of hardwork, sweats and tears along the way. but i think without the right package, i will never success! <--so i can cancel this choice

so did i like to work in a confined place doing all the admin jobs? No Wayyyyyyy.... i do think working like that is better if i want to live a normal life. but then again, i just feel it's not what i like.

so, instead of all those types of jobs, i think i still prefer working as retail assistant or as an oprator in factory, why am i wasting my 4 years studying in university if at the end i'm becoming a low rated worker? i hate to admit this, but i do appreciate knowledge, but sometimes it's was just served me as knowledge where else i don't prefer knowledge in my routine life....arrgh!!!!! now i just don't care with what other says!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Monday, October 19, 2009

to stay or to leave?

today ong off-day, so i didn't see him...but i'm still thinking about his words, about i should plan my future. at first i felt really angry, i hate it, so terribly hate it!!!! i feel like i'm about to cry! how dare him questioning my meaning of life?! this is so unfair, huhuhu ='( he is so unreasonable!

but at the end of the day, i was thinking...maybe this is an alarm from God that i should take my life seriously, maybe i'm about to die? so don't go astray...yeah, if not, why such a person, who definitely knows nothing about me so dare to come and advice me? and i really hate it. i already told him that i don't want to think about it, i will NOT think about it! but i did...why? why? why?! he a reincarnation of my late father? usually i will rebel all the advices given by my father, but in the end i followed all of it. is it? is it my God wants to give me a lesson? but my heart had already broken, how can i be happy ever again? i really really wish someone will come and save me, but i know that day will never come...

so i had been thinking...maybe it's a sign that i should go back to my hometown...try to fix everything that i've broken...but i'm so scared. i hate the feeling that i have to start all over's not a new place, but i've never feel like home. so what should i tell? huhuhu...hometown never feel like home, penang never seemed to welcomed where should i go? do i stay? or should i just leave? i think the latter will be the more internet, less youtube, and definitely no money, no connection to outer world =(... so goodbye my beloved Penang~~~~~~~~~~

Sunday, October 18, 2009

omg! i'm so angry!

huhu...what a fucking shit day, fucking retard customers + biatch2...i hate this job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!why are those people even exist ?! this is so unfair!!! crazy customer!!!! FUCK FUCK FUCK !!!!!! hmmmph!!! padan muka customers bodoh budusss....

am i that unreliable? this is so crazy! i can't live in a place where people don't trust my ability...ada ka kena ty soalan cam tu...huhu...rasanya mmg la sy ni cam tia brapa berguna, tp klu kena ty apa plan masa depan sy, mana la sy boleh jawab!huhu...sedihnya cam mo menangis jak,huhuhuhuhuhuhuhu.....bukan la sy mo ckp c ong ni jahat, tp btul2 sy tia suka kena lecture, ni lebih tua 3 thun tau, mesti la sy paham pasal perancangan masa depan sy, tp sy teda la mo plan apa2 lagi skarang ni, sbb sy mmg tia organize py org, klu sy kasi sia-sia masa sy pun, tu kan masa sy, bukannya masa siapa2...huhu...cis, sedihnya sy, btul2 rasa cam sy ni teda guna langsung,huhu...hati sy uda remuk dipijak2, tali bergantung sy pun uda putus, camna la pla sy mo membina kehidupan baru yg gembira kunun?huhuhu....apa2 pun, susah2 ja c ong tu p nasihat sy, huisssh...melampau btul, ni yg buat sy rasa mo blik sabah cepat2 ni =( uwwaaaaaaaaaaa.....huhuhuhuhuuhuhhuhuuh....